How to Join

How to Join the BS36 Business Directory

Joining the BS36 Business Directory is simple and quick.Follow these steps to get started.

Established in early 2023 by Tom Constable of The Agency UK, our network is dedicated to supporting local independent businesses in our community led villages.

After years of networking across various suburbs of Bristol and Somerset, Tom sought to create a space that harnessed the successful elements of those experiences while focusing on a hyper-local geographical area where our members are not just business owners but also residents, parents, family, and peers.


Visit Our Website

Go to the BS36 Business Directory homepage and see if you feel you and your businesses has some synergy with the networks core values.


Attend a free monthly meeting

Details of our upcoming events are available here.


Fill in the form below

There is no cost to joining the network. Just a commitment to being part of a WhatsApp group and refer business within the community. Fill in your details below.


Promote your business online

If you’re keen to feature on the website to drive more traffic to your business, website and social media feed. Reach out directly to our treasurer, James Excell (React Property), who will take your one off payment of £125.   Then contact Carolyn Anderson (Media Tube) to ask what information she’ll need from you to build the best preforming profile on the website.


Have fun and get networking

The businesses that get the biggest benefit from the network are the businesses that attend the monthly events, and who interact regularly with the WhatsApp group.

Join BS36 Business Networking Group

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